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Okay – I’m excited. I’m excited because today is release day for my first young adult novel, To Become A Brother.  This book is about Lucas Matthews, the young boy Andy and Katie befriended in Brotherhood By Fire. Lucas has come to mean a lot to me. He’s impressed me by the young man he’s become in spite of staggering odds against him.

As a writer, they tell you to throw everything possible at the protagonist and when you think he/she can’t take any more, throw some more at them and let the story unfold. The story then develops from there as to how the character handles the dire situations put in their path and believe me, Lucas has more than his fair share.

It wasn’t easy but Lucas manages, somehow, to find a path through it all. Not only does he grow into an outstanding young man but he’s an example, really, for all of us. I admire his steady, quiet resolve and the love and devotion he shares with those he cares about and believe me, he cares about them fiercely.

I hope you’ll take some time to read Lucas’ story. I think you’ll be impressed too.  And then. . . look out. Lucas is also the central figure in the third and final novel in the Beyond the Badge series. There are exciting times to read about in To Become A Brother and even more exciting times to come in the final series installment.

I’d love to know what you think. Drop me a message but until then. . .

Happy Reading!

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