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Firefighters are amazing – truly. They deserve our thanks and appreciation for things we never see or even know they’re doing. Those things, though, are critical to keeping the public and each of us safe whether we realize it or not. I’ve said many times before, we just can’t appreciate them enough.

I do book reviews for book clubs across the Metroplex, and I love it!  I get to meet so many wonderful people who love books, who love visiting, and who love to learn about new things. After giving my review of Brotherhood By Fire, so many people regularly say such things as “I never knew they did that.” or, “I didn’t realize what danger they’re in with exposure to cancer-causing agents,” and on and on.  And then I get to hear about the number of times paramedics have been to homes and assisted a seriously ill family member, the kindness the paramedics have shown to them or to a family member. Many times they want to show me pictures taken with the paramedics who have been to their home often, kind and helpful every time. The stories go on and on and I absolutely love hearing them. They reiterate so resoundingly what I try to convey in all of my books.

I mention in my Brotherhood By Fire review and it’s a very true statement, firefighters tell me it is their honor to serve. Nothing makes them happier than knowing that when they’re on a call, they’re on their way to help someone who may be having one of the worst days of their lives. Their hope is that they can help make it better in some way. What a wonderful outlook. We could all think more along that line!

Another thing I love about visiting with people about my books or about being an author is how so many people have firefighters in their families.  And, in every instance there is a gleam of pride in their eye and a smile on their face when they tell me about them. Whether it’s a husband, brother, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter, et., etc., the pride is there and very rightly so.  I am privileged to have two fire service members in my family – my brother who retired as Fire Chief in Abilene a few years ago and my nephew who is currently a Lieutenant with the Mesquite Fire Department.  I know firsthand that pride when I talk about them. I am incredibly proud of both of them and what they contributed and are contributing to help others, save lives, and saving and protecting property by fighting fire safely and effectively.

It’s so, so true. You just can’t appreciate firefighters enough. If you have a firefighter in your family or know a firefighter, give them a call, send them a text, or  drop them an email thanking them for what they do, for their sacrifices and for their service.  And if you just so happen to have an extra batch of cookies or brownies hanging around, drop them by a fire station. They’re not looking or even expecting a thank you or recognition of any kind but when one is received, it’s greatly appreciated.

Do you have a firefighter in your family or one you’d like to have some recognition? I’d love to hear about them! I’m in the process of introducing a new section introducing a firefighter each month in my monthly newsletter, Lindy’s Lines. I’d love to feature as many firefighters as possible so please reply in the comments section and let me know about the firefighter you’re wanting to recognize and a little bit about why you’d like to recognize them.  I think it’s going to be a fun and informative addition to the monthly newsletter!

Thank you, firefighters. YOU ARE SO AWESOME AND AMAZING!!


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