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Celebrate a Dream

A dream is an amazing thing.  It can turn you inside out and upside down.  It can take you to dizzying heights and set you on the lowest plains.  But dreams are a necessity for all of us – to reach for something beyond us.  I’ve had a dream ever since I was in grade school and that was to be a writer – to be called “author.”  I’m an avid reader and love being transported to another world found between the pages of a book.  I caught myself only a few weeks ago with tears streaming as I read Tamera Alexander’s A Note Yet Unsung.  I was so engrossed in the characters’ hopes and dreams, that when they came true, I was overjoyed to the point of tears.  What a wonderful feeling that would be as an author – to so totally move your reader.

Today is for Jane Austen Celebrates – Holidays and Occasions Regency Style.  This book is just a breath away from being available for purchase.  A few more things to finalize but it’s coming together beautifully.   I can’t wait to share it with everyone and to hear your thoughts on so many fun and unusual holidays.  This has been a two-year journey – at least.  From the research, to reading Jane Austen’s personal letters, to reading Jane Austen’s works (again) to tracking down anything about Regency Era holidays, it has been quite the endeavor.  I am so happy and so proud of the result and as it’s close to being available for purchase, I want to thank the myriad of family and friends who have encouraged and “kept me propped up” along the way.  I understand completely now all those people who have said their accomplishment wouldn’t have happened without their support system.  Wow – so amazingly true.

Thank you isn’t near enough to say but thank you will have to suffice for now.  Thank you for helping make my dream come true!

Until next time . . .

Happy Holidays!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Lindy, This article is as beautifully written as a treasured love letter. Your writing is just getting better and better. Never question whether you are a writer. Your writing testifies that you are! It’s as if a pandora’s box has been opened and wonderful treasures are flowing out of your heart and landing on paper! Keep that pen moving… Ann

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