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#1 Job Qualification: Kindness

What kind of job has “kindness” as its main qualification and “serving” at its very core.  You might say, police officers, doctors or nurses and all are honorable professions but no, the profession I’m thinking of that exemplifies both kindness…

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Dreams Do Come True

And that’s a fact.  Dreams do come true and they often do but usually only after a lot of work, angst and the key ingredient . . . persistence.  Everyone has dreams whether they’re small or grand.  Dreams keep us…

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An Unexpected but Wonderful Surprise

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you’re just humming along and everything seems to be hitting on all cylinders and then a casual comment or suggestion brings it all to a screeching halt – but in a good way?  And…

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A True Genius

The definition of a genius is "an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.". Writing would be included in the "etc." Jane Austen is a genius. I think everyone…

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A Little Valentine’s History

It’s the week of Valentine’s Day.  Do you celebrate?  If you look at the stores or watch any television commercials, it seems as if the whole world is celebrating by sending cards and flowers or giving jewelry or taking one’s…

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Here We Go . . . .

Did you ‘stir it up’ on Stir It Up Sunday which for those of us in the US is the Sunday after Thanksgiving?  Stir It Up Sunday might be the official start of the holidays during Regency times but I…

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Yes. I Will.

Have you ever seen or heard something and felt an instant connection, sensed something deep inside you light up with an instant magnetism?  I have been fortunate to have had that experience not once, but twice.  The first time (and…

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A Brother’s Inspiration

Speaking of inspiration . . .I’ve often wondered where writers or songwriters get their inspiration.  Most of the time they’ll tell you it comes from someone, something or some place familiar to them.  Characters can be and usually are based…

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Inspiration – Where Does It Come From?

In-spuh-REY-shuh n – def.  A divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind and soul.  Hmmmm . . . .  What do you think?  Have you ever felt or been “inspired?” Contrary to those who nay say that “I…

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Time and the Fun Stuff

It's March already and just where did January and February go?  Busy . . .   Busy . . .  Busy . . .   It seems like the hurrier I go, the behinder I get, but really, I think…

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The Definition of “Blessed – Part Two”

Well, it’s December 31st.  The last day of 2017 and what an amazing year it has been.  There have been some ups and there have been some downs but I have been incredibly blessed to have experienced more of those…

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The Definition of “Blessed – Part One”

It has been incredibly busy these past six to eight weeks but oh what exciting weeks they’ve been!  I have been smack dab in the middle of launching and marketing my first book ever – Jane Austen Celebrates as well…

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