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Blog & News

Work, Work, Work and then. . . .

It’s happening . . . . it’s really happening!  I have a book for sale on major book outlets including Amazon, B&N, BAM and Indie Publishing.  I have friends telling me, “You’re on Amazon!”  I have people telling me they…

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Celebrate a Dream

A dream is an amazing thing.  It can turn you inside out and upside down.  It can take you to dizzying heights and set you on the lowest plains.  But dreams are a necessity for all of us – to…

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Writing & Waiting . . . Waiting & Writing

I usually don’t think of myself as being a patient person.  In some regards, I totally am.  Believe it or not, when given a gift, I can let it sit for days if need be before opening.  I’m curious as…

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So What’s So Special about Jane Austen?

Welcome and Thanks for Coming Back! I hope you’re enjoying the blogs and reading a bit about my writing adventure and very first book.  As you’re probably aware from the website, my book is about Regency Era holidays.  You may…

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There’s a First Time for Everything

Hi Again! Thanks so much for checking back and taking a few minutes to read about some of the foibles and adventures of a first-time author/marketer.  I had my first opportunity to promote my upcoming book to a “hometown” crowd…

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Social Media – Snippets & Shares

Welcome back and thanks so much for coming!  Let me ask you a question . . . Is there a difference between writing and posting?  I know that may sound a little strange because technically you are writing while you’re…

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Going A-Mothering in Regency England

Mother’s Day is almost upon us – this year it falls on Sunday, May 14th.  I’m going to get to see my awesome Mom and hope you’ll have opportunity to visit and remember the very special lady you call Mom. …

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Sharing As You Go Along . . .

Hi and Welcome Back!  Glad you’re here to see what’s going on and there’s a lot!  Do you remember when I talked briefly in the previous blog about getting started on my research into old holidays and their customs?  Surprising…

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Welcome and What’s Going on Here?!

Hi there!  My name is Lindy and welcome to my website.  As a visitor to the site and reader of this blog, you have now become an important part of my lifelong dream.   You see, I have always wanted to…

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